Friday, December 12, 2008

You Could Do This for a Living!

I just read an article in the New York Times, called YouTube Videos Pull in Real Money. It primarily reports about Michael Buckley who had put clips of himself on YouTube for nearly a year -- mostly just making silly comments about celebrities -- when they offered to make him a Partner.

A Partner is a regular member of YouTube who posts videos like everyone else; the difference is that YouTube gets to put advertisements in his video, and in return Michael Buckley gets paid. A lot. Mr. Buckley makes more than $100,000 per year just from YouTube, and he quit his old job when the videos became more and more profitable.

Stories like this happen all the time. People doing what they love put it on the internet, and a big company offers them money just to keep doing it. (This happens with blogs too! *Nudge*Nudge* to any big companies reading this.)

So, the real question now is: What do you love to do?

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