Sunday, November 2, 2008

Student Skills: Time Management

[Note: The links in this post go to helpful pages on each topic. Follow them!]

The first thing that any student needs to do is get their PRIORITIES straight. But when you’re figuring them out, you have to be honest! You know plenty of kids who prioritize schoolwork over the rest of their lives – and that’s great, you get plenty of work done like that – but if you tend to take new MySpace pictures instead of practicing Spanish vocab, you have to start by admitting that it’s something important to you and that has to be in any schedule you make for yourself.

Schedules are really helpful to refer to both when you’ve got tons of work (and you need to figure out how you’ll fit it all in) and when your time can be more relaxed (which is when I tend to forget whatever is due). For Long Term planning, a WEEKLY SCHEDULE or MONTHLY CALENDAR to fill in are helpful – and the Weekly Schedule can help you find things like time slots to squeeze in a little extra review, during Exam Week. You probably know most of your usual DAILY SCHEDULE already, but writing it down can help you make your days more efficient.

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