Monday, November 24, 2008

Peg Solitaire

I cannot stop playing this game!

A "European" Peg Solitaire board

Peg Solitaire is like one-player checkers: you jump pegs (or -- in the case of our board at Making Waves -- marbles) to take them off the board, with the objective of having a single peg/marble remaining.

Sounds fairly easy right? You'd be surprised. And once you've got the game beaten, you can try all different kinds of starting positions.

(I grew up playing a simplified version of Peg Solitaire at a restaurant called Cracker Barrel where they used to leave the game board out at the tables to play while you wait for your food.)

And for those of you feeling particularly Math-y, there are a couple pages out there detailing strategies and analysis of the board.

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